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Wednesday 30 October 2013

Project Ara And PhoneBloks Set To Revolutionize Smartphones

PhoneBloks And Project Ara The Next Step In Smartphone Revolution:

A few months ago a YouTube video called PhoneBloks went viral. The basic concept of PhoneBlocks was the idea of modular smartphones. Modular smartphones means that you can customize each and every part of your phone. And the main theme of such an idea was the fact that there would be no such thing as "outdated" with such phones. For example if you are a more of a Cloud storage guy you can replace your onboard storage with a bigger battery. Say you need a bigger battery you can replace your camera with it. And as the times change you can change the parts. Like, if an onboard Augmented Reality sensor comes into play you can add that part by replacing your gyroscope and like wise.

The Idea:

So now Motorola aka Google has introduced a similar concept under the name of "Project Ara". At the roots it is not much different from the concept of PhoneBloks. In fact it is the exact same thing.
It basically proposes that you can possess a smartphone whose each and every component can be changed to suit your needs.

Project Ara Meets PhoneBloks:

Now the difference between this idea and the concept of PhoneBloks is that Project Ara is an idea propagated by a major manufacturer whereas the former is just an idea proposed by a YouTuber by the name of Dave Hakkens. And his idea has been well received by over 370 million people. Within 24 hours of him posting the video the entire Tech community went bezerk. Everyone was talking about it.
But yesterday, Motorola at a press event stated that it too was working on a similar Modular Smartphone idea for over an idea.
And ever since Dave and Motorola have created a partnership in an attempt to make Project Ara a reality.
You can check out the entire Motorola Blog post on Project Ara here.

So that's our thoughts on Project Ara and PhoneBloks.

You can check out MKBHD's video on PhoneBloks here.
You can also check out his impressions on Project Ara here.
You can also check out the next step in PhoneBloks here.

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(Video From Dave Hakkens)

Sarthak J Shetty
Editor In Chief

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