Today we bring to you MKBHD-which is short for Marques K
Brownlee HD.
He currently doesn’t have a website (as far as I know) but
he is an amazing Youtuber who I believe started making YouTube videos in 2009.
He is a full time student and also a professional sportsman
with Ultimate Frisbee as his choice of sport. He plays for the New Jersey
He does awesome reviews on all things Tech and also covers a
number of major events. Most recently he was at the corny (but entertaining)
release of the Samsung Galaxy S4 in New York and also had a Q&A session with
a number of Samsung Designers at the launch.
He is very friendly in his reviews and also adds a touch of
humor in his videos to make it more comforting for the viewers.
Among his newest reviews include the review on the Oppo Find5, Samsung Galaxy S4, HTC One, Android Key Lime Pie 5.0 Wish List etc.
So be sure to check out MKBHD on YouTube at: youtube.com/MKBHD
You can also connect with him on Facebook at: facebook.com/MKBHD
Follow him on Twitter At: twitter.com/MKBHD
You can also communicate with him on Google+ At: google.com/+MarquesBrownlee
So that’s the second Web Blast for the day. If you like what we write be sure to share
this page on Facebook and Twitter, extra eyes are always appreciated.
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Sarthak J Shetty
Editor In Chief
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