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Saturday 19 April 2014

SpaceX's Third Mission Takes Off For The ISS

Elon Musk's companies have been in the news for a long time, and his two companies Tesla Motors and SpaceX have been in the news several times.
Space X was in the news today also when its new rocket, The Falcon 9, took off for the International Space Station (ISS).
The Falcon 9 took off at 3:25 PM EDT, and is said to rendezvous with the ISS on Sunday, the 20th of April.
It will also be making an attempt to return to Earth and estabilish itself as the first re-usable rocket.
You can check out more information of the launch from The Verge here
SpaceX was a venture created by inventor, entrepreneur, visionary Elon Musk. He entered the American market with a vision to revolutionize travel, renewable energies and space travel.
He has stated the primary goal of SpaceX as to not only make space travel more frequent, but also affordable for the masses.
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Sarthak J Shetty
Editor In Chief

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