Welcome To The Revolution:
Google Glass is stirring a lot of news in the world of tech ever since the start of the project was announced earlier in February. It's basically a computer which works on the principle of augmented reality, mounted on a pair of spectacles.The user can operate these Glass's using basic gestures and speech via the help of the mounted camera and the microphone.
Its been rumored that Google will partner with sun glass giants Ray Ban to release more fashionable versions of the product for the trendy and hip.
Google is also issuing these Glass's to people who
are really passionate about this project for a fee of $1500 as suggested by Sergey Brin in the TED show where he too appeared to be wearing one of the prototypes.
Camera And User Interface:
The camera onboard the glass is a 5MP one which is capable of shooting 720p video.The OS running on the Glass is rumored to be either a modified version of Android 4.0 "Ice Cream Sandwhich" or a modified version of Android 4.1 "JellyBean".
The information as requested will be projected on a small screen present on the top-right part of the spectacles.
The Glass can be controlled using a limit
ed set of gestures and voice-input controls. The audio is not transmitted to the ears but is in fact transmitted to the bone present behind the ear and the user has to shut his ears in order to listen to the audio better.
Connectivity And Storage:
It comes with WiFi and Bluetooth built-in to meet the connectivity needs of the user.The Google Glass will be available in only one variant of storage i.e 16GB out of which 12GB is made available to the user.
You can find more information about Project Glass and Google Glass at www.google.com/Glass
So that's our review on the new Project Glass. Let us know what you think in the comments section below and we will surely try our best to get back to you.
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(Video And Second Picture From The Verge)
Sarthak J Shetty
Editor In Chief
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