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Saturday 19 April 2014

Google And Facebook To Connect The World Through Drones

Google recently launched its "Project Loon". The idea behind it is to provide Internet for everyone by launching baloons through the stratosphere that carry modems on board.

Now Facebook as well as Google have deceide to bring nearly 2/3rds of the population that are offline, online.
Google purchased the company Titan Aerospace and Makani Wind Power for the very same purchase.
The drones by Titan Aerospace reportedly will have the ability to stay in flight for a continous 5 years at a stretch. The drones will be solar powered which means that they don't have to stop continuosly for recharging its turbines.

Facebook has also announced that it has plans to soon deploy solar powered drones so as to provide internet speeds of uptop 1GB/s. It too has purchased London based Ascenta Aerospace to develop these drones.

You can check out more about Titan Aerospace here.
You can check out more information about the project at The Verge here.

Stay tuned for more developments on the drone front.

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Sarthak J Shetty

Editor In Chief

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